Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving Origins

Another Thanksgiving Day has come and gone, leaving the Wayfarer in a state of well being – or rather over done - from the abundance of the feeding trough, metaphorically speaking.  While reclining after over-indulgence thoughts of Thanksgiving origins found their way through the maze of memories becoming the focal point for contemplation.  No doubt you are familiar with the story of the first Thanksgiving celebrated by the Pilgrims, with its subsequent Presidential Proclamation making it an Annual National Holiday.  But do you know where the concept for Thanksgiving originated with the Pilgrims?

While doing a little research (very little, I might add) here is what was discovered on :  “Prior to making their way to the New World, the Pilgrims, themselves the victims of religious persecution, spent several years among Sephardic Jews in Holland. When they later celebrated the legendary first Thanksgiving, their conscious frame of reference was Sukkot.”

Sukkot is also known as the Feast of Tabernacles which the Lord had instituted in Leviticus 23 and was to be celebrated for eight days after the fall harvest.  They were commanded to be joyful during this feast – in other words to “party on!”  They offered thanks for the abundance of the harvest and for the expected abundance in the coming year.  There is much more to this particular holiday than what I am describing here, but the main thing is the concept of joy and thanksgiving.  One of the symbols used during Sukkot is the Cornucopia, or “Horn of Plenty”, which has been adopted by North America.

Thanksgiving is the time set apart for family and friends to gather together to partake in a festive feast and offer thanks for the blessings bestowed upon them through the year.  A time when great memories are made, relationships strengthened and hard times briefly put aside.  For many, especially adults, this has become the favorite holiday of the year, surpassing Christmas.

It originated as a Holy Day (from which we derive the term “holiday”) to be recognized as a day set apart to honor God with thankfulness for the abundant blessings He has given His people.  Unfortunately for many that tradition has been minimized, if not forgotten as they observe other events and activities, replacing gratitude with greed and frivolity.  Thanksgiving Day Parades and Football Games take priority over thankfulness.  Black Friday has been established in recent years in which many anticipate more than Thanksgiving, with it now beginning the night of Thanksgiving.  Commerce now preempts Thanksgiving with their enticements, fostering more greed as many cannot be satisfied with the abundance they already have.

These musings are not meant to put a sour note on this special holiday but rather to maintain awareness to the importance of Thanksgiving.  The question is should Black Friday be put aside for at least a week, if not completely, so not to detract from Thanksgiving?  That’s not likely to happen given the climate of our society today.  However, we can choose to either participate in the madness or ignore it altogether.

Here’s hoping your Thanksgiving Day was spent in giving thanks to the Heavenly Father for your many blessings while enjoying the festivities of the holiday with friends and family.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post Election 2012

It is now post election 2012 and the Wayfarer has been musing about the results of said election.  One could say the campaign of this latest election lasted four years, much too long for any political campaign.  Can it now be said it is over?  Actually, for the election just ending it is over, but does this mean the campaign for 2016 is now under way?  Let’s hope we have at least two years reprieve before the next one begins.

What, if anything, has been proven with the outcome of this election?  The trend of this great nation has become far more secular than in days of yore, creating a wide divide within the populace.  More and more people are disregarding the U.S. Constitution in favor of secularism.  Progressivism has been on the rise over the past couple of decades and the pace going that direction increases with each passing day.  This includes ignoring the standards set in the Bible, upon which this nation was founded.  If one can use the way a person votes as an indication of their philosophy then at least 51% of the country believe it’s all right to be indifferent toward the established morals of God’s Word.  It has become irrelevant to heed the basis which this nation was founded on, progressing to a more democratic/oligarchic approach of governance rather than that of a republic.

The going trend reveals very few “riding the middle of the road”, as gray grows blacker or whiter depending on personal ideology.  The Wayfarer has observed stronger arguments between the two sides than in previous times.  There are more people vocalizing their philosophy with greater passion, nearly coming to the point of physical combat, though there may be occasion where this has also occurred.  There is so much emotion involved, often without reason or logic.  Opinions are based on personal likes and dislikes (emotions) about morals rather than on pre-established standards of right and wrong/good and evil.

Many believe we have evolved to a greater understanding of what should or should not be which is in opposition to the once common understanding that the Bible is the authority upon which we have taken our standard of life’s moral relevance.  Where the Bible was once considered Truth by the majority it has now become “partial” truth.  It is up to “our” understanding to interpret the scriptures in a manner that satisfies our desires rather than that of God’s.  The scripture says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?”  (Jer 17:9).   Many trust their “heart” to determine right from wrong, rather than relying on God’s Word to determine moral clarity and understanding. 

Issues once deemed evil by the majority are now called good by the more “enlightened”, issues such as abortion, same-gender marriage and use of marijuana to name a few.  The scriptures mention that men will call that which is good, evil and that which is evil, good.  This has become more evident today than any other time in the history of the United States.  Those who hold fast to their convictions based on Holy Writ are now deemed “intolerant” and lacking in compassion and understanding.  Those who take the opposing stand justify their convictions based on emotion and compassion and defend their position through intimidation and name-calling rather than upon standards which have stood the test of time.

The people have been fed lies so often many have come to believe them, proving the adage that telling a lie often enough people will believe it.  Deception of the masses is at an all-time high, which has hooked many to be reeled in.  Is this the time the Bible warns us of in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12:

“…because they did not receive the love of the truth, so that they might be saved.  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie, so that all those who do not believe the truth, but delight in unrighteousness, might be condemned.”

It seems this scripture is applicable for today conceptually, if not meant for now literally.

Where is this country headed?  Are we improving – getting better – or are we on the road to self-destruction?  Are the Holy Bible and the U.S. Constitution relevant for today or is it time they be discarded because we have advanced beyond the need for absolute standards of human governance?  Are you excited by the outcome or saddened by the progression being made today?  Have we gone beyond the recovery of past standards - out of our reach?  The Wayfarer is saddened, but not in despair.  It’s time we put our hope and trust in a loving Heavenly Father and not that of government.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Take a Stand

Another day dawns with the reality of the need to make a firm stand for what one believes.  This would normally be a good thing, but the potential is just as strong for it to be harmful.  To say that it’s good to stand for what one believes would make sense but how could it ever be wrong?  Simply, not understanding what defines them or considering the motive behind our acceptance of those convictions.

This Wayfarer has strong beliefs and often evaluates them to determine their perceived validity.  In examining beliefs it’s important to consider the reasoning behind them as well as the influences that brought us to such conclusions.  Many other factors are involved that causes acceptance or rejection of principles that come to our awareness.  Such factors as home environment during informative years; the influence of parents; what has been learned during years of formal education, to name a few examples.  As we mature other experiences in life may alter one’s viewpoint thus causing a change in philosophies we accept, which in turn affects what we believe.

The question then becomes how can we trust what we believe to be true?  Are the beliefs based on reason?  What are the known facts surrounding them?  Do we rely on empirical data, and if so how accurate is that data?  Are emotional experiences,  such as anger, rejection, or even ecstasy,  the motivating factor driving us to accept a particular idea?  What causes us to take one side or another of conflicting ideals, such as abortion vs. pro-life, or marriage between one woman, one man vs. same gender marriage?  When the choice has been made what makes one certain they have chosen the “correct” side of the issue?

The Wayfarer postulates that beliefs be based on sound reason with consideration given to life experiences, known facts surrounding issues as well as exercising faith.  What are the moral implications involved and the basis for those morals?  How much examination has been given to the motives, emotions and reasons for the choices we make?  As new information is learned are we willing to change our position in what we believe?  For that matter, are we even willing to have an open mind to genuinely hear opposing views with the desire to truly learn the “truth” rather than refuse to consider the alternative due to emotional entanglement or fear to admit we may be wrong in our convictions?  Do we have convictions based on personal preferences because of how we may “feel” or think, rather than accepting what may be truth that opposes those feelings?  Many complexities to consider that often we can only put our trust in what’s not tangible, such as God to bring us to truth.  Therein lays the “rub” – to be able to put trust in what’s unseen and intangible.  This is where true faith need be exercised and in time can be proven.  There will always be good vs. evil as well as two sides to any given matter.  Many will believe in abortion while many others take a stand against abortion and so it goes in many facets of society.

After all these considerations have been scrutinized and we have “landed” on solid footing of our beliefs then we can take a firm stand upon them.  Now the dilemma that faces most is the feeling the only ones who should make a stand are those who are in agreement with “me”.  Though this may be the way one feels each person should have the same opportunity to stand on their convictions.

Is there ever a time one should not make a stand?  This is not meant to imply to deny one’s convictions but rather to simply be quiet.  Only wisdom in any given situation can make that determination.  In general when we see our society taking a wrong turn that leads to chaos or even destruction we must take a stand against that course.  However, there are times when it is prudent to simply keep quiet for a season and then when the time is right, stand.  We should never be afraid to make a stand or allow intimidation to cower us.  When our convictions are strong and we understand them, then we will be strong enough to stand.

As the new day dawns, challenging us to make a stand, will we have the resolve, along with the understanding, to do so?  Have a great day standing.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Being in Love

It’s that time of year when shadows lengthen as the day quickly fades away while producing chilly nights.  Soon we will be waking to frost covered grass with a nip in the air while gusty winds hasten to strip the trees of their varied colored leaves.  The evenings lengthen providing opportunity for reflection on yesteryears with the many twists and turns of past journeys of the Wayfarer.  Fond memories of year’s eve are recalled with its unique seasonings which enhance the rich flavors of one’s existence.

The most endearing time of autumn is when you fall in love.  To say that springtime is the time for romance may be true, but what better time than fall to relish the hours spent with the delight of your life.  Taking a walk through rustling leaves on paths or cuddling before the fire on a chilly night; reminiscing on the times shared or dreaming together the anticipated joys of tomorrow.  What more can warm the heart than these moments in life?  Is this love? 

Each relationship is unique, though there are many similarities in feelings and reason, fluctuating in intensity from individual to individual.   The onset of such desires strike when hormones come into existence among adolescents.  “What’s this feeling come over me when I look at her?”  Thus commences the journey into bliss that blinds us to everything about us.  The pulse races, stomach churns while the body breaks into a sweat and light-headedness has taken over.  All reason goes out the window leaving one senseless.  “She is definitely the one for me to spend the rest of my life with.  No one else on earth can ever possibly thrill me as much as she does.”

The reverie lingers only briefly as we sort through the confusion that has fleeced us of understanding and reason.  In due course our footing stabilizes as we press forward with some normalcy of life.  At this juncture new focus sets in as we ponder the question of love, being cognizant of the desire to have Mr. or Miss “right” to cherish our life together.  Thoughts of marriage occupy our waking moments for, “I know she will make me happy because she’s an angel – pure heaven on earth.”  (Can’t help but interject in jest from the song that she’s just a devil in disguise.)

Thoughts of being happy together dominate the cerebral cortex like nothing before.  For many nothing else matters except to live happily ever after, with little to no understanding what that means.  All the delusions that plague the mind in moments of elation too often lead us down the wrong path that brings anything but pleasure.  The safeguards that have been set in place are veiled behind the wall constructed by “pure imagination.”  As the saying goes hind sight is 20/20 vision but totally lacking in the present.  With maturity comes understanding that love is more than an emotional rush or moments of thrills and chills.

It cannot be stressed enough the importance to break through the walls of “pure imagination”, putting aside the emotional rush, and wade through the hazy fog to find reason and understanding.  Somewhere in there reality exists for our discovery, which must be applied to the present state of our being.  The reality that no one can make another person happy; the reality the thrills and chills are but fleeting moments in time; the reality that love comes by reasoned choices; the reality we may not be the perfect choice for the other; the reality that we don’t know the other person as much as we think.  There are many other realities which come to light over the path of time causing us to pause in determining the correct choices that must be made.

How many relationships are entered into when hormones kick in, leaving their impact on the psyche and emotions?  The feelings of bliss clouding sound reason is never adequate for developing loving relationships, for love must be based on more than this.  Unfortunately there are no guarantees right choices will be made even after careful consideration and thought has been given to the process.  This makes love difficult as neither emotional rushes nor reasoned judgments will necessarily result in the desired outcome.  It does no good to look back and say, “If only I had done this or that it would have turned out all right.”  Of course we can learn from reflections on the past but we can only move forward as we apply what has been learned.

There must be balance between emotions and sound reasoning in order to develop a bond of love in any relationship.  Love without bliss and ecstasy would be boring and love without reason and sound judgment would be chaotic at best.  Be not hasty in acting on matters of the heart but add a mix of understanding and reason before making the leap.

Here’s hoping the remainder of this autumn finds you enjoying the pleasures of love, seasoned with understanding and reason.  Take time to reflect on autumns of yesteryear while enjoying the camaraderie of your true love.  Shalom.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Today’s musings are about dreams and a story comes to mind of a young fellow that was having recurring, alternating dreams.  One night he would dream he was a tepee and the following night a wigwam.  This had been going on for quite some time and he was becoming quite disturbed, not knowing what to make of it.  Finally he went to see a psychiatrist and explained the situation, hoping that he could reveal the meaning behind them.  The doctor told him the reason for these dreams was very simple – he was merely too tense.  (Okay, don’t make me spell it out.)

What about dreams?  Why do we have them and what, if anything is their significance?  (Keep in mind that these are musing and thoughts of the Wayfarer, not scientific research.)  Dreams are caused by many factors, no doubt.  Perhaps they are revelations of what’s been in the sub-conscious mind, or was it something you ate before bedtime?  Are they brought about by some trauma you have experienced or some hoped for expectation?  Many people believe dreams have meaning, and I’m not going to argue that as I believe there are many instances when they do have meaning in our conscience life, but how do we interpret them?

This brings to mind the dreams of Nebuchadnezzar and Pharaoh in the bible.  Those dreams had huge significance and were accurately interpreted by Daniel and Joseph, respectively.  Do these types of dreams happen today?  Many believe so, and I’m not one to debate that.  I tend to agree with that premise, though have no firsthand knowledge of dreams becoming reality.  I have read recently of individuals having had prophetic dreams that concern future events.  Are they to be taken seriously?  I can neither deny nor attest to their accuracy other than to wait and see if they play out.  I’m neither a scoffer nor an adherent to such dreams as I know prophetic dreams have occurred previously and because of that I believe they still can and do happen.

Last night I had a weird dream that seemed real but realize it wasn’t, but what am I to make of it, if anything?  No need to go into details of the dream except to say it was weird in the sense of not likely to occur in reality due to the circumstances surrounding said dream.  It had to do with the death of a young person in the public arena and my being there when it happened, which makes it improbable that I would be involved in such an event were it to come about.  The question I put before you is when such dreams crop up are we to ponder them as possible warnings or to simply ignore them as a fluke?  Is there some other meaning behind them – hmm, what did I eat last night?

It’s interesting how dreams can impact our emotions when we awaken from them.  They tend to stimulate the thought processes as well, giving us pleasure or freaking us out.  We often can’t wait to share our dreams with others and then there are dreams we would never dare utter to a living soul.  Some dreams are too embarrassing to think about and others just totally weird, as in completely absurd.  And as the story I told in the onset of these musings there are the recurring dreams many people experience.

We can’t leave these musings without bringing up nightmares.  Often nightmares are the result of trauma experienced by the person having them.  They tend to leave a devastating blow to the psyche, creating fear and apprehension.  Everyone hopes to avoid Nightmares but unfortunately most, if not all, do experience them on occasion and to varying degrees, it’s just part of life.  If nothing more they get the heart pumping and adrenaline flowing and stimulation is not a bad thing.  Hopefully, we walk away from them without harm.

There is also day dreaming and dreams of the future to follow.  Those dreams are not part of this musing and will be left for another time.

If some dreams are indicators of reality and some are warnings, or have significant meaning, then why not all dreams?  Where does one draw the line in giving credence to dreams?  Are we to take them seriously or merely to be shrugged off as having nighttime visions, with sugar plums dancing through our head?  Don’t expect the answers from this Wayfarer as they will not be forthcoming.  Do your own research if you are curious enough to find out.

This concludes another chapter in Inner Musings and Thoughts of this Wayfarer.  Here’s to sweet dreams to all. 


Wednesday, September 12, 2012


The inner musing and thoughts of this Wayfarer are rather heavy today, reflecting on all the gloom and doom happening around the world.  More disconcerting is what we see going on within our nation as we observe our freedoms being stripped in the name of diversity, political correctness and equality.  We have become a Godless society over the past few decades and this Godlessness marches forward at an ever increasing pace.  There is a greater divide in this country between ideologies than ever before in the history of this once great nation.  The infighting grows stronger by the moment and we are experiencing a civil war of words and ideas, escalating at a rapid rate, with the indications of rioting in the near future.

We have liberals versus conservatives, Republicans versus Democrats and the moderates and independents tossed in the mix.  Mud-slinging among the politicians, propaganda from the differing ideologies dispensed to the populace and overall chaos being created from all directions.  So much unrest and dissention comes from all corners bringing much confusion to the general population.  Everybody espousing they are right in what they think and believe, yet no unification to be found anywhere that can bring us all together in harmony.  Is there no solution to such an enormous problem?  Is it possible to bring unity in the midst of such bedlam?

First of all we need to ask, “How or why did all this happen?  Where did the breakdown of our UNITED States happen?”  Without resorting to history lessons at this point the simple answer is the national tendency to neglect the ways of God, as had been established by our Founders.  We have turned from the common practice that we were a nation under God, with our attention given to acting upon the principles of the His Holy Word.  Through the course of time we have chosen to gradually turn away from His instructions on how to follow in the ways of truth and righteousness, rather choosing to go our way because we believed we know better.  This has proven to be our folly, and so now we reap what we have sown.  There is so much evidence to support what has just been stated but time and space constraints do not permit further elaboration on this matter at this time.

This missive is not addressing unbelievers of the Almighty Father but rather to those claiming to be His People.  We are not guiltless in the downfall described above and need to accept the simple reality that we have turned our backs on Him as well.  We have failed to stand for righteousness and instead chosen to accept the morass of society.  We failed because we have not called upon God to guide us; we have failed because we have chosen to disobey His instructions to us; we have failed because we seek our own pleasures above His ways, where there can be found joy beyond measure.  We cry out, “God help us in this time of crisis,” but why would He if we are unwilling to stand for Him?  He did warn us what would happen if we pursue life in the manner that we have.

Now we find ourselves in the center of this quagmire while in a state of bewilderment.  Is it no wonder that we do?  We can only look at Israel in the times of old as an example of what happens to a nation who turns their back on a loving and caring God.  Destruction came upon Israel when they disobeyed, why should it be any different today when our nation has been disobedient?  It’s the same God, for He changes not.  He has been very clear about the consequences of disobedience, but we have chosen to ignore it.  Are we any better than Israel that we should not deserve such treatment?  Have we not provoked God into allowing such devastation to occur within the walls of this nation?  Dare we cry out for deliverance when we have brought this upon ourselves?  Let’s take a quick look from God’s Word that sheds light on where we find ourselves today.

“’’Why has the LORD done thus unto this land, and unto this house?’  And it shall be answered, ‘Because they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, Which brought them forth…and laid hold on other gods, and worshipped them, and served them:  therefore hath He brought all this evil upon them.’”  (II Chronicles 7i:21, 22).  That seems rather clear as to why we as a nation are where we are today.

However, we are not without hope.  We can look at two more verses that bring the solution if we will only heed its message for us.  II Chronicles 7:13, 14:  “If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My People; If My People, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”  How much more simple can it be?

We, as God’s People, must repent first and foremost.  Nothing less, or other, can effect a change for this nation without true repentance occurring first.  In answer to the question of “what can I do?” it’s very clear – REPENT!  We first must repent individually and secondly, corporately.  Have you yet repented?  Here’s seeing us on our knees.


Saturday, September 8, 2012


Through the course of a day many thoughts penetrate the mind, with some lasting but mere moments while others linger on for extended periods of time.  Is it ever possible for one to have a completely idle mind with no thoughts or activities to occupy it?  I’ve never heard of such a thing and of course I’m referring to individuals who are awake and aware of their surroundings.  Okay, was that an oxymoron?  I mean, if you’re aware of your surroundings does that not occupy your mind?  Getting back to the topic at hand about thoughts penetrating your mind, this may go on during physical activities that don’t require mental concentration, as well as during times of physical idleness.  What is it that causes us to have thoughts?

Of course there are many triggers that will bring thoughts to the fore front of our psyche.  We witness specific activities that may conjure up memories we enjoy pondering.  Perhaps we had a dream the night before and we try to figure out its meaning, or was it just the pepperoni pizza I ate before bedtime?  We heard something new, impelling us to weigh the pros and cons to determine its merit.  Well, I don’t mean to insult your intelligence by stating the obvious, for surely you are aware of the thought processes – at least from a practical standpoint.  To get into the physiological science involved would be out of my league for discussion, and that, of course, is not the intent of my musings and quite frankly really of no interest to me at this time.

Is this really worth bringing up to try and wax eloquently about?  Well, during the course of the evening, actually night, many thoughts were making their way through the labyrinth of my mind in hopes it would land on something noteworthy.  One thought that sat for a spell was concerning accountability.  What does it mean to be accountable and what purpose does it serve?  Some synonyms for accountability are:  responsibility, answerability, liability.  This would mean we are to be accountable for our own behaviors and choices, and all too often people want to play the “blame game” rather than take responsibility for their own actions.  Does this infer they are to be accountable to someone other than themselves?  This may be another can of worms that just opened.

The laws which govern us make us accountable to them and when ignored consequences are enacted to remedy the infraction against society.  But what about being accountable to one another?  What is the requirement for that, if any, or is it a matter of voluntary agreement?  Under what circumstances might we choose for such an agreement?  Under what situations, if any, would it be advisable not to make yourself accountable to another?  What may be the pros and cons to being accountable to others?  We do have the ultimate accountability and that is to God.  Which brings up one other question:  if we are accountable to God, then are we to be accountable to others, as well?

There can be many considerations about this, but one that comes to mind is when being accountable to another person then we are relying on the capability of the other person to be in that position.  In other words, are they reliable to provide proper input and guidance to assist us on the right path?  Knowing that I’m accountable to God requires that I know how to conduct my life in accordance to His instructions and to walk in obedience to that.  If I have strong inclinations that I’m sensing He’s leading me in a certain direction, not contrary to His Word (instructions) then I must adhere to that and not be swayed by others who would have contrary input.  With that in mind, when is it wise or safe to place ourselves under someone to provide wise counsel?   We must be accountable in all our decisions and actions, be they right or wrong.  Here’s hoping each of us will account to something good.
