Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Reflections on the Past

Seventy-two years of life gives a person a great deal to reflect on.  Life in the 1940s and 50s was far less complicated in contrast to the dawn of the Twenty-first Century.  In the mid 1990s a work supervisor commented that, “today more decisions are made in a single day by each individual than was made during a month one hundred years ago.”  Perhaps I don’t have the exact numbers correct but the point was how the stress level in people today is so much greater than it was a hundred years ago due to all the choices that must be made each and every day.

At first glance this may be far-fetched but after some consideration it really does make a lot of sense.  For those of you born after 1970 there would not be as noticeable a drastic change since the decades prior.  Each year we see technology accelerating at exponential rates.  The 1980s introduced the personal computers to the world of consumers, though not too attainable at first.  By the turn of the century most every home had at least one computer.  Communications have skyrocketed with the onset of the cellular phone.  Digital recordings, aka CDs, were replacing vinyl LPs and cassette tapes.  Cable TV was increasing in number of channels and programming.  Then satellite hit the scene with its myriad channel offerings.  The internet has probably become one of the greatest invasions into our lives of all the technology as almost everything is now done “on line”- research, shopping, surfing, chatting, telephoning, watching television programs and movies, “downloading” music and other entertainments offerings.  There’s no end, or even slowing down, of all of this in sight.

All this was way beyond the imagination back in the 1940s through the 1960s. Color TV was a luxury up until the mid-1960s and even then it was about 50% of the households having it.  (Sorry, I’m not sure about the statistics.  Please bear with me as I’m painting a picture, not giving a factual report with numbers.)  We were lucky to have three TV channels to choose programming from.  Cable was coming in during the 1960s, but the channel selection was rather limited.  If you had 15 channels to select from it was phenomenal.

Now the decisions begin to become more prolific.  Which programs do I want to watch?  I can’t decide which of the two programs to watch at 8:00 tonight – is it going to be Mannix or the Andy Griffith Show?  Of course we can now set the DVR to record multiple programs at the same time to view at our leisure.  So technology has advanced to make life easier for us, but has it really?  Yes, in some ways, but it has come at a price.  When is the best time to buy, as the latest cell phone is obsolete the day after you make your purchase?  Then you kick yourself because if you had only waited another week you would have bought the new one with the latest gizmo that you cannot live without.

And so it goes.  When I was growing up most of my time was spent with the family together.  The kids played together, ate our meals around the dinner table and our outings were always as a family.  The toughest choice we had to make was whether to play Red Rover or Kick the Can.  It was not difficult to plan the following day’s activities because they rarely changed from day to day.  Get up, eat breakfast, do your morning chores, go to work/school, etc.  No stress having to figure out the families varying schedules, juggling the day’s calendar to fit all the appointments and whatever else our modern times may toss our way.  Ah, for the simple life.  To have real, live friends to interact face-to-face with.  It was good to be able to say howdy to your neighbor sitting on the porch next door.  I think you get the idea.

Well, it’s nice to know I now have many friends that I can while away the hours with.  The only problem is I don’t know what they look like or how they sound.  And I haven’t been able to learn their body language or the dynamics of their speech.  What am I missing here?

So much for my musings this time, sleep deprivation has gotten the better of me.  Take some time to reflect upon your past and compare it to now.  Shalom.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Identity Crisis

“To be, or not to be, that is the question.”  To have the answer is to know the meaning of the question.  Is this about whether to go on living, or is it about continuing to be who/what I am?  Here’s another consideration:  “What’s this I hear about ‘identity theft’?  I think my identity has been stolen because I don’t know who I am.  Please, someone, anyone – help me find my identity!” 

There seems to be a preponderance of people having “Identity Crisis”; people not knowing who they are; living delusional lives of confusion and uncertainty.  There are those who know who they are and conduct their life with assurance, making strong declarations of affirmation with positive statements and putting appropriate action to the affirmations.   Sometimes these assured individuals are misjudged by others who choose to mischaracterize them with negative aspersions and accusations.  Why does this happen? 

Perhaps the self-assured individual made a mistake by taking action without having all the facts.  Another possibility is taking appropriate action that goes against the popular trend.  You also have situations when others may be jealous of the positive person because they lack strong convictions or simply have differing viewpoints and are unwilling to admit the possibility of being in error themselves.  Or, the accusers simply have the wrong perception based on their own experiences that are counter to the other person’s position.  One other condition is their refusal to accept anything other than what they want to believe, no matter how unfounded their thinking may be. 

These situations will invariably occur and it can foster self-doubt within the person, as they may question whether they had taken the right action.  Even if they are certain they did the right thing it still leaves unpleasant feelings because the negative effects it may have upon others.  This now leaves us in a dilemma as to the proper, corrective direction to take when this occurs.   Usually the tendency is to fight back to “set the record straight”, but all too often this proves to be counter-productive as it provides fodder that will be used against you, no matter how senseless it may be to do so.  There are times it’s best to let it go and ride out the “storm”, allowing time to soothe over the matter.  In all cases you can never go wrong in bringing it to the Father in prayer for wisdom and discernment in these matters. 

What is important is to never let go of your true identity.  However, that doesn’t mean to bury your head in the sand and ignore the lessons that can be learned in such cases.  Acknowledge any error you may have made and take corrective measures as may be required so you can grow as a result.  No one is perfect and errors will be made from time to time.  Simply learn from them and move on. 

Now I ask you, has your identity been stolen?  Do you know who you are?  Are you willing to make a stand against the trend?  This is food for thought.  Shalom.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Living The Lie

Inner Musings and Thoughts of a Wayfarer…

“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.” 

This quote was attributed to Socrates by Plato and it seems the cycle continues generation after generation.  Is it fair to say this attitude remains unchanged after millennia of history of man?  If it was in fact quoted by Plato we can still see evidence that it holds true today as well.  From some indications it would seem the youth outgrow this condition as they mature because we have not seen that drastic a change in society as a whole – based on regional cultures, notwithstanding – until today.   However, I’m truly baffled by what I’m currently observing in our society.  There has been a drastic change in the past few decades of the moral climate in our society. 

It doesn’t seem all that long ago that our moral code was Biblically based – certainly during my lifetime.  Today we see such venom spewed toward anyone who holds to these time-honored morals – accused of being religious zealots that hide behind Stone Age, fear-based, fairytale delusions.  Having to put up with name calling such as “moralists, bringing about the destructions of the world, putting down America,” and much more.  It’s as though the world has turned upside down from what it was 40 years ago.  Our own children have bought into this moral decay even though they have been raised differently.  What in heaven’s name brought this about? 

It once was that the individual who stood for Biblical morality and principles, and lived by them, were considered to be upstanding citizens within our community.  We are now considered blight on society - having become intolerant toward others.  All this drastic change in a single generation is too much to grasp.  How can our society survive four or five centuries of living with unchanged Biblical, moral codes and survive if it was the wrong way to live?  What caused a single generation to do a 180 degree change, totally reversing morality?  This stretches my mind beyond limits – EXCEPT… 

Isaiah 5:20-21 says, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!  Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!"  This is exactly what we are witnessing today - a total reversal of what God has instructed us and we have become wise in our own eyes - that we know better than God does, that we have more compassion than Him.  It's so much folly to think this way.  We are living in the day the Bible warns us would come and many are deceived, believing the lie.  How sad.  We must open our eyes and follow the ways God has planned for us.  We will find that life is so much better when we do.  Shalom

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Going back many years ago – don’t recall if it was in the ‘50s or maybe it was the ‘60s, maybe both – a TV ad ran that showed a lady with a nice hairdo and the question was asked, “Does she or doesn’t she…?”  Though the brand doesn’t come to mind at this time the ad was about hair coloring.  The implication being that the product was so good you couldn’t tell that it came from a bottle because it looked so natural. 

In our lives there is so much deception going on about us that it can be extremely difficult to determine where the truth lies.  “Does she or doesn’t she…?” becomes “Is it or isn’t it…?”  All too often this question, or its variables, is totally ignored when it should be asked with the inclination to know the truth.  However, so many of us do not care to know the truth and prefer to believe what we want because it satisfies our proclivities.  To turn our head in these situations is folly because it leads us down the path of deception taking us to a life of immorality, or to put it in a biblical term, destruction.   

Deception is making greater strides in society today than ever before.  We have heard the lies so often that it becomes our “truth” because we lack true diligence to learn and know the real Truth.  It comes in such subtle ways that it’s nearly impossible to detect unless we have become sensitive to what Truth is.  It’s interesting to note that in order to detect a counterfeit bill one must study and examine carefully real bills (currency).  When they know what true currency looks like it becomes easy to spot a counterfeit.  The same principle applies to the truth – as we examine Truth and learn its characteristics we will be able to readily spot deception and call it for what it is. 

(Most people can quote a phrase from the Bible found in John 8:32 that says, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”  Though this verse gets quoted frequently there’s no mention of how to know the truth because they choose to ignore the preceding verse which says, [Jesus speaking to his disciples] “…If you continue in My word, then you shall….know the truth….”  The meaning here is the Truth is found in His Word and we can only know it if we apply it to our lives.) 

Because of the subtleties of deception we often look at situations as though they are innocent when in reality the opposite is true.  As time marches on the subtleties become less and more daring deception is presented.  It’s like the subtlety of a lure on a hook that attracts a fish.  When the fish bites the hook is set and it’s unable to free itself.  So it is when we “buy” into the deception we become “hooked” and can’t believe that it’s all been a lie.  We choose to ignore the deception because we can’t believe we have been deceived. 

There are people who see the red flags of deception and proceed with caution.  When the red flags become more obvious they will sound the warning for those willing to heed it.  Some will listen to the warnings then begin close examination of all the facts leading up to moment of alarm.  They then will respond appropriately to the warning, while others will ignore the alarm and continue to live in their fantasy, refusing to believe the signs of the danger ahead. 

It is time that we become alert to the signs when truth is breached and to proceed with caution or take other divertive action.  We cannot allow others to deter us from taking the appropriate action and make a firm stand upon Truth.  May we not be deceived and that Truth prevails before and in us.  Shalom.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

"In God We Trust"

Inner Musings and Thoughts of a Wayfarer…

“In God we Trust”.  The motto we see on all our currency is it truth or fiction?  It’s so easy to make such a statement but does that make it so?  Though there are many individuals in our nation who hold claim to that motto we find as a whole the USA does not trust in God.  If they did we would have an entirely different outcome in our society than what is evidenced today.  Perhaps we need to examine what it means to trust in God and whether it applies to our own life.

To trust in God means we can “bet our life” on Him to keep His Word no matter the circumstances.  If we are obedient to His instructions we can know that He will take care of us.  That does not mean we will never have struggles in life, neither does it imply that we will always have what we want.  He has promised to watch over us and provide for our needs.

We must be prudent to do the things we know we must do, however.  We work to have food on the table, for shelter and clothing.  For those times when work is not available for us we can fully trust God to provide the means to earn a living, or to provide for our sustenance by other means, we just simply cannot sit back and expect everything to fall into our lap.

Proverbs 3:5 & 6 tells us to, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."  Notice it doesn't say we are to try and figure it out, or to even understand it.  We just have to acknowledge that God knows what He is doing regardless of our understanding.  The understanding often comes after we trust and accept His ways.

Neither are we to trust in man or governments as they always fail.  Too often we have done just that and then wonder why we are in such a mess.  We can ONLY trust God to come through for us.

This is where our peace comes from, as well.  The more we trust Him, the more He proves Himself and the greater peace we receive.  What do you need to trust Him for today?  Are you willing to put Him to the test and see that He is good?  Shalom.

Monday, July 9, 2012

July 7, 2012

If memory serves me correctly the year was 1962 during the summer months.  That would have been the 22nd year of my life when I was head over heels in love with the most gorgeous girl a guy could hope to be in relationship with.  Romance was in the air and the only thoughts on my mind were of her.  Of course marriage was the ultimate goal in this liaison and that was the direction we were headed – or so it seemed.

Life can take unexpected turns and the bond that had developed went south while I remained north.  As is often the case we floundered back and forth, me hoping to regain the footing I previously had for a brief period of time.  This was a period of emotional turmoil, which you no doubt have experienced yourself.  One day would find me in the realms where angels fly about and suddenly land abruptly on earth, head hanging down as I tripped over my lower lip.

One particular day I was hopelessly expecting a phone call from the love of my life and I anxiously awaited by the phone.  The time for the call to come was past and I continued waiting and hoping to hear the voice of my angel.  Anxiety was knotting my stomach and agitation vexed my emotions.  “Why hasn’t she called?”  This was driving me nuts and the more time past by the more agitated I became.  For some reason the thought came to mind, “Carroll, get a grip.”  I silently said a simple prayer, “Father, I need your peace.”

Instantly peace came over me, my troubled mind was at rest, my emotions calmed down and I was able to leave the house and give no further thought to the ‘hoped for’ phone call.  That day made a memorable impact in my life for that was the first time that I was cognizant of the peace that comes from the Father above.  That doesn’t mean I never again became anxious about matters, but I knew that I could attain peace in any given situation.

Looking back on that experience I realize that it wasn’t something “earth-shattering”, but it was huge in my life at that time.  Over the years since then I have learned to be at peace in times of turmoil, times when it is “normal” to worry and fret.  But worry accomplishes nothing except anxiety because there’s nothing we can do about the next moment.  Usually we worry, fret, stew over things we have no control over to begin with.  There was nothing I could do to make my love call me, so it wasn’t worth the anxiety I created.

Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.”  The peace that comes from above goes beyond our understanding.  Peace can be attained in the biggest storms of life, which rage all about us.  But like the bird in its nest, protecting the chicks during the storm, there is peace.

May you have peace this day, my friend.


June 29, 2012

“When in the Course of human events….”  So begins the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America, July 4th, 1776.  In a few days we will be celebrating the signing of this remarkable document with parades, picnics and fireworks.  How many of us will recall the words penned by the founders for that momentous occasion?  It would be good to take a few moments to re-read it for the first time and ruminate on its contents.  (http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/declaration_transcript.html).  

Consider what the colonizers were facing in their daily lives that would compel them to establish their independence from Britain.  Why would they be willing to “mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor?”  Was life so bad for them to cause them to rebel against the most powerful nation in the world at that time?  Hint:  It’s well stated in the Declaration.

It is worth noting the courageous fortitude these men demonstrated as they fixed their signatures to a manuscript that would result in their poverty and death.  Thus began the freedom this nation has experienced for 236 years.  Or has it really been that long?  Has our freedom not been waning over the past couple decades, with increasing declination?  Is it time to re-establish our independence, not from a foreign government, but from that which is domestic?  Depending on one’s perspective argument could be made for or against such a notion.  Where does our independence come from?  Those men who dedicated themselves to the creation of the United States recognized it ultimately comes from our Creator, acting through the deeds of men.  Can we have liberty aside from God?  What can we do to secure that freedom?  

There’s nothing we can do within ourselves to guarantee, or maintain the assurance of liberty, but that we must rely upon Almighty God to extend His hand of mercy to secure the pre-established freedom.  Why would I make such a statement?  Because we as a people of a great nation, established at the hand of a Sovereign God, have forgotten about the sacrifices made at the outset of this country and the stand those men and women took in honoring their Heavenly Father.  We have become complacent, self-indulgent and self-reliant rather than God-reliant.  We have chased God out of the public arena, its schools and institutions.  This has resulted in God lifting His hand off the nation that once stood for and honored His name.

Have we reached the point of no return?  Perhaps, but I see a glimmer of hope that things can turn around if we regard II Chronicles 7:14, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

How many of us can say we are called by His name?  The only salvation for this nation is to repent from our wicked ways.  We need to seek God with humility and asking His guidance in our lives.  Without that first happening it doesn’t matter what else we may do to turn this nation back to its foundation, for all our efforts are futile without God’s intervention.  He promised to forgive our transgressions and heal our land if we humble ourselves and seek him.  Without such action on our part then we have reached the point of no return and this nation has brought destruction upon itself.


June 27, 2012

Another day is upon us and I ponder what challenges lie before me today.  No doubt there will be blessings and shalom bestowed on me while traversing the hours ahead.  I am truly blessed to know that I have a Father that cares so much for me and looks after my every need, regardless the smallness or greatness of them.  What I have come to learn is that He is always faithful.  Will there be abundance or will it be one “bite” at a time that He grants me?  Then the question bombards my mind, “What difference does it make?”  In actuality I need nothing more than one bite at a time to sustain me.  Has He promised giving us anything in abundance except LIFE?

There are circumstances facing me that must be dealt with involving finances I don’t have.  This has been going on for months now but for some reason He gets me through each day.  Does this mean I enjoy being in this predicament?  NO!  But, I also know that this requires me to trust all the more in Abba Father, so for that reason I take joy in the knowledge that He will take care of me.  The only requirement placed upon me is to walk in obedience to His ways.  As the scripture says, “Obedience is better than sacrifice.”

What about the other things I would like to have to make my life more comfortable?  I’m not talking about frivolity.  For instance I would like to have an upgrade on my video editing software that would be an enhancement to the work I must do, as well as simplifying the many tasks involved with editing.  Is this a real need?  Of course not, the current software I use is completely adequate.  That’s just one example.  What it boils down to is this:  my learning to walk in the ways of my Lord, trusting in Him in all things and giving Him praise and thanksgiving for all that He does for me.  Life can’t be any simpler than that.

There are other challenges before me that are not of a financial nature but having to do with interpersonal relationships.  Now this is even tougher for me to cope with as there are so many lessons that can be learned in this process.  The tough part is to understand what those lessons are.  What, if anything, must I change about myself to smooth the rough waters of relationship?  Maybe it’s simply to learn more patience, endurance, or understand how to walk in shalom when there’s turmoil surrounding me.  There again this becomes a trust issue that Abba Father will give me guidance and understanding.  I think you get the picture.
Have a blessed day and take hold of the challenges facing you.

June 21, 2012

Summer 2012 has officially arrived here in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. of A.  Up to now there has been little indication that we would see summer this year, but the assurance of 80 degrees with a partly cloudy sky is a promising start for Portland.  The question is, will summer be warm, clear and dry or are we in for a dreary, cloudy, cool, wet season this year?  I believe it was Mark Twain that said, “Everyone’s talking about the weather but nobody’s doing anything about it.”  So what can we do about the weather?  Actually, nothing – or can we?  I suppose it’s a matter of perspective.

We as single individuals can’t really change the weather, for how can you stop the rain or cool down the sun’s rays?  Most people are affected by the weather in different ways.  For instance rainy, dreary days tend to cause many to be depressed.  I’ve heard of studies in years gone by where more suicides are committed in locations where there is a lot of rainfall than in areas without it.  Most people prefer to stay indoors when it rains, though there may be the occasion when one would like to frolic in “nature’s shower”.

Bright, sunny days engender a cheerful disposition within individuals.  On the other hand, when those bright, sunny days turn up the temperature too many become grumpy and complain about how hot it is.  Of course adding moisture, aka humidity, to the mix only exacerbates the situation and the grumbling escalates.

Then you have the cold, blustery winter days that often bring snow.  In many adults this will bring out the “inner child”, while others grouse about the miserable cold.  Along with that is the worry about catching a cold, or getting sick with the flu or pneumonia.  And so it goes.

Most people have a favorite season of the year, while having a least favored season.  Though we can’t do anything about the weather we can determine our demeanor regarding it.  We can choose to ignore the discomforts we experience with the weather and determine to remain positive.  Why complain about something we can’t change?   What we can change is our attitude about it.  I tend not to complain about the weather, though I do have my preference.  For instance I am more comfortable (actually, tolerant) with heat versus cold.   I say my favorite season of the year is summer for that reason.  What say you?  Do you have a favorite season and why is it?