Friday, September 27, 2013

Meaning of Dreams

Life’s journey is full of seemingly unexplainable situations, things which to some people appear to be “psychic”.  Perhaps we use that term simply because we know of no other way to explain such incidents.  For instance when someone comes to mind that you may not have heard from in awhile and suddenly you get a phone call from that person.  How many times does this happen during the course of our wanderings?

How about dreams which seem so realistic but make no sense whatsoever and yet they won’t leave our conscious mind for days on end?  Is there some meaning behind them which indicate a call to action, leaving questions what the action should be?  Is there the possibility that dreams could be some sort of revelation about events or meaning in our life, whose meaning remains obscure or doubtful?  So the musings on such matters continue, leaving no definitive answer for me.

My daughter, Sonrisa, recently relayed to me a dream she had a little over a year ago which turned out to be rather significant.  The dream was the result of an incident she had encountered previously.  {I’m sure I don’t have all the details totally accurate but that won’t adversely affect its meaning.)   It was some months prior she had been chatting with a Facebook friend who told her about a nine-year old girl that had been killed in a car accident in the Portland, OR area.  She had a younger brother and they were very close.  There had been some photos posted along with the news articles which Sonrisa read.  This saddened her to read about such a tragic occurrence and stuck with her, relating it to her two boys who were similar in age.  (I’m sure all parents can identify with such emotions.)  She felt strongly impressed to pray for this family for strength and comfort during such a tragic time and loss in their life.

It was a couple months later while chatting with a friend on Facebook who invited another person, whom Sonrisa had not met, to join in.  After a few minutes of talking the new person was sharing that she had lost a daughter recently in a car accident.  After showing photos of the little girl Sonrisa realized it was the same girl she had heard about a couple months earlier.  Sonrisa became a Facebook friend with this lady and kept in touch with her.

A short while later Sonrisa had a vivid dream that the mother approached her stating her daughter was missing and was asking for help to find her.   As dreams go, which often don’t make sense, Sonrisa saw the girl at Disney World in Florida on one of the rides.  The girl told Sonrisa to tell her mother not to worry and that she was having a lot of fun.

The dream would not leave Sonrisa alone and for days she felt compelled that she should share it with the mother, but was reluctant to because it was so weird.  She finally relented and sent an e-mail to the mother, prefacing it with the comment that she felt weird in sharing the dream.  She got an immediate reply and thanked Sonrisa for sharing it.  She had been planning for months with a friend of hers to take the kids to Disneyland in Southern California for the daughter’s upcoming birthday.  She was now struggling with whether it would be a good idea to keep the plans as her daughter was now dead.  When she read the e-mail from Sonrisa she took it as a sign that she should proceed as planned and had peace about it.

When Sonrisa heard this she was relieved to learn that her action was appropriate to the circumstances.  However, she was a little perplexed that her dream was about Disney World and not Disneyland so it was a little hard to make the correlation.  Sonrisa later found out that the mother had to change her plans and go to Disney World instead after her friend decided not to go.  This created a financial hardship as her friend was going to share expenses and now she didn’t have the means to finance the trip to Disneyland.  However, she has family in Florida and it made financial sense to go there in lieu of Disneyland as they would be able to lodge with family.

As I ponder about this I can’t help but believe it is a “God” thing that Sonrisa experienced.  What other, logical explanation can there be?  Many times I muse about the meaning of dreams and their significance and believe there are occasions when they are valid.  There are those who are said to be interpreters of dreams, and we read from scriptures dreams that God gave to kings which needed interpreting.  However, Sonrisa’s dream did not require interpreting but rather action.  So my question is when are we to act on dreams, seek interpretation and make discoveries from them?  Something for you to muse about as you drift off to dreamland.  Shalom.