“I want a girl, just like the girl that married dear old dad…” so goes the song of old. Those were the days of common sensibilities and biblical values. It would have been unheard of for anyone to entertain even the thought of Adam wedding Steve, let alone the actuality of it. How can it be a marriage except for one man and one woman enter into that institution? This is the way it has been in all societies during the history of man, with very limited and few exceptions.
Now we have a minority of people demanding same gender “marriage” and calling the majority who hold fast to the world-wide, historical tradition of marriage between one woman and one man bigots, homophobes, hateful and a myriad of other derogatory names. So what is going on here? How in heavens name can there be such a drastic change within our system of values in such a short span of time? Though I hold fast to this traditional mores there is something more disturbing that compels me to bring to awareness.
Whether it is about the definition of marriage, or any other arena in which there is diversity of opinion, I find it most troubling that a minority of thinking, intelligent people would demean a majority of the populace to change their moral, spiritual values through intimidation, name calling, boycotting and other forceful tactics to come into alignment with their own. How is it that one CEO of a corporation, in an interview with a religious organization, makes a statement that he believes in marriage between one woman and one man be verbally assaulted and called hateful names? “He has no right as a corporate leader to make such statements”. WHAT?! You would think this was a new idea that had never been done before and is simply preposterous to even imagine. I thought we lived in a society of tolerance, but for some reason this simply cannot be tolerated.
I am saddened to see this attitude demonstrated by many people who are considered intelligent and caring. I guess we should not be caring about a person who is not “politically correct”; after all they are the scum of the earth and undeserving of any decency whatsoever. “Anyone who disagrees with me is not deserving of the freedom provided by the U.S. Constitution and I will take any means necessary to make certain there business fails.” Whatever is wrong with taking that stance of marriage to begin with? Was he really putting anyone down, or simply declaring what he believed is right? Why shouldn’t he have as much right to believe what he chooses as those who would take an opposing viewpoint? Sorry, this just doesn’t compute with my logic and reasoning. Well, so much for the tolerance people who are very intolerant of their opponents. They live by the “golden rule” of double standards.
Ah, for the simple life of reason and sensibilities. Live and let live as the saying goes. Have a good day. Shalom
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