The Wayfarer finds himself in the waning weeks of summer, the hottest time of the season, as he continues to journey in unfamiliar territory. Many twists, bumps, hills and valleys are encountered as he continues to make progress. It was over a year ago the Wayfarer came upon a junction causing hesitation to determine which way to go. He paused to consider what may lie ahead and which way he should go. Though he has always been willing to take risks in life he realizes he’s no longer young and chooses to ponder on the matter, for to make the wrong choice could have highly unfavorable consequences. Praying for direction he waits for the answer, which was not immediately forthcoming but he knew the answer would come in due time. Many things have been learned through the years of travel which are beneficial to him during such times, one of them being patience. There was no need to make a hasty decision and time would reveal which turn to make. Though there are times when a hasty decision must be made this was not one of them. Another lesson learned was knowing Who he could trust and that there would be no need to hurry for it would become obvious when to move and in which direction.
This gave opportunity to make little side trips and explore areas in the immediate vicinity, always aware that he would be moving forward on a new venture - just uncertain of the time. Over a year passed by when the answer came with no uncertain clarity. Yes! With renewed excitement, accompanied by confidence that new adventures lie ahead, he became eager to move forward. This would require major changes in his life, which normally those of his age would be reluctant to make. With great anticipation he made the necessary preparations for the journey ahead and took the first step on the new road.
Leaving behind the life he had become accustomed to he looked forward to a new life, new friends, new challenges and new opportunities. This would be the natural response of a young man but not one of 74 years. This can only be a “God thing” that was happening to him, as a result of attending an event and meeting people. It has now been four weeks after arriving at his geographical destination and he is at total peace with the change. Though he finds himself in a new physical setting and enjoying every minute of it he realizes the journey of life continues, with the mountains, the forests, deserts and valleys but there’s a quickening in his step as though he has arrived at an oasis, where he finds refreshment and nourishment.
Taking time to reflect on what has taken place over the past few years of trekking through life it’s difficult to understand the transformations one goes through. The different experiences, which seem insignificant and meaningless, can have a huge impact on life down the road. What would have happened had I missed a specific event? How can “chance” meeting have an impact on our future? We move on making choices each day, which really have no meaning at the time other than simply something to do, only to end up years down the road that have a huge part in our lives. How many inconsequential events in life have ended up with significant meaning for us later on?
Are such encounters parts of a bigger plan we are clueless about? The times we wander aimlessly during a lull later prove to be meaningful. Often it has been said there are no coincidences and when we honestly reflect back on our life we can realize that statement proves to be true. Does God really have a design for our life and arranges for the incidences in our life? This Wayfarer believes whole heartedly that He does, for his life experiences have borne that out. We should live as though every part of our life has meaning, even when there’s no apparent evidence to bear that out. So this Wayfarer continues to ponder on such matters knowing that the heavenly Father controls our destiny as we trust Him to do so. Shalom as you encounter life’s experiences.
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