Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post Election 2012

It is now post election 2012 and the Wayfarer has been musing about the results of said election.  One could say the campaign of this latest election lasted four years, much too long for any political campaign.  Can it now be said it is over?  Actually, for the election just ending it is over, but does this mean the campaign for 2016 is now under way?  Let’s hope we have at least two years reprieve before the next one begins.

What, if anything, has been proven with the outcome of this election?  The trend of this great nation has become far more secular than in days of yore, creating a wide divide within the populace.  More and more people are disregarding the U.S. Constitution in favor of secularism.  Progressivism has been on the rise over the past couple of decades and the pace going that direction increases with each passing day.  This includes ignoring the standards set in the Bible, upon which this nation was founded.  If one can use the way a person votes as an indication of their philosophy then at least 51% of the country believe it’s all right to be indifferent toward the established morals of God’s Word.  It has become irrelevant to heed the basis which this nation was founded on, progressing to a more democratic/oligarchic approach of governance rather than that of a republic.

The going trend reveals very few “riding the middle of the road”, as gray grows blacker or whiter depending on personal ideology.  The Wayfarer has observed stronger arguments between the two sides than in previous times.  There are more people vocalizing their philosophy with greater passion, nearly coming to the point of physical combat, though there may be occasion where this has also occurred.  There is so much emotion involved, often without reason or logic.  Opinions are based on personal likes and dislikes (emotions) about morals rather than on pre-established standards of right and wrong/good and evil.

Many believe we have evolved to a greater understanding of what should or should not be which is in opposition to the once common understanding that the Bible is the authority upon which we have taken our standard of life’s moral relevance.  Where the Bible was once considered Truth by the majority it has now become “partial” truth.  It is up to “our” understanding to interpret the scriptures in a manner that satisfies our desires rather than that of God’s.  The scripture says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?”  (Jer 17:9).   Many trust their “heart” to determine right from wrong, rather than relying on God’s Word to determine moral clarity and understanding. 

Issues once deemed evil by the majority are now called good by the more “enlightened”, issues such as abortion, same-gender marriage and use of marijuana to name a few.  The scriptures mention that men will call that which is good, evil and that which is evil, good.  This has become more evident today than any other time in the history of the United States.  Those who hold fast to their convictions based on Holy Writ are now deemed “intolerant” and lacking in compassion and understanding.  Those who take the opposing stand justify their convictions based on emotion and compassion and defend their position through intimidation and name-calling rather than upon standards which have stood the test of time.

The people have been fed lies so often many have come to believe them, proving the adage that telling a lie often enough people will believe it.  Deception of the masses is at an all-time high, which has hooked many to be reeled in.  Is this the time the Bible warns us of in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12:

“…because they did not receive the love of the truth, so that they might be saved.  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie, so that all those who do not believe the truth, but delight in unrighteousness, might be condemned.”

It seems this scripture is applicable for today conceptually, if not meant for now literally.

Where is this country headed?  Are we improving – getting better – or are we on the road to self-destruction?  Are the Holy Bible and the U.S. Constitution relevant for today or is it time they be discarded because we have advanced beyond the need for absolute standards of human governance?  Are you excited by the outcome or saddened by the progression being made today?  Have we gone beyond the recovery of past standards - out of our reach?  The Wayfarer is saddened, but not in despair.  It’s time we put our hope and trust in a loving Heavenly Father and not that of government.


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