Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Though summer officially ends in about 2-1/2 more weeks the common perception is Labor Day has marked summer’s conclusion.  That may hold true for students returning to school, considering their summer vacation has ended and the fall school semester begins.  Soon we will see the leaves change color as they find their way to the ground, to the consternation of those who must remove them, and the oncoming change of weather patterns.  And so begins another change of season.

How does this relate to a person’s change in life?  For the student it’s the change of classrooms and teachers; the change of wardrobes to match the new season; there are those who change the décor of their homes; and let us not forgot the change in time soon to come, throwing us out of sorts with the adjustments necessary to survive that woe.  And so it goes, always change.  Change is welcomed by many, but detested by others.  The moms who expel a huge sigh of relief now that the children are back in school – well briefly, anyway.  With the new school term beginning brings with it the multitude of activities their children find themselves involved with.  Poor mom now needs to shuttle her brood from place to place, while managing a day timer to keep track of all the events of each family member.

These changes cycle through year in and year out as we adjust accordingly.  We go into automatic mode for we have become accustomed to this annual occurrence.  But what about changes that do not recur as does the seasons of the year?  Can we so readily adjust to them?  We have become accustomed to the way we do many tasks that have become routine.  And then, wham, bam, out of the blue someone throws a “monkey wrench” into the works and simply spins our world out of control.  The latest technological development forces us to change the way we do things.  They promise it will improve our efficiency and make life so much easier for us.

“Promises, promises always promises of a better life, what do they know about doing it a better way?  It’s been just great the way it was, thank you very much.  This is horrible; these changes are too awkward and slow me down.  I’ll never get it!  *&!*&@$% changes!”   This is often the reaction of many people to changes, but there are always those who welcome the improvement and can see the merit to the changes.  And then there are those who simply like a new challenge just to prove they can adjust to a new way of doing things.

Normally, over a period of time – longer for some than others – the change finally sets in and we have adjusted to them.  We may even increase our productivity as a result of those changes, though to admit to such would be unthinkable.  There are also those who will refuse to make a minor change that would actually be better for them to make with little noticeable difference in how they do it, but they have a fear they won’t like it and are happy to keep things the way they are so they won’t even give it a try.  Of course there’s nothing wrong with them continuing to do what they are accustomed to.  They just simply do not want to face the change.

What were stated above are changes that force us to change methodologies, but what about changes that affect our life style, turning our world upside down?  The onset of a disease or chronic illness, loss of a job, loved ones that die, divorce, laws impacting our lives and the list goes on endlessly.  These are situations which are difficult to face, having a huge bearing on our lives which greatly overwhelm us.  All too often we don’t know what to do and may go into a panic.  In these situations there are no simple answers, but we have to face them square on with the resolve to find the right answers.  As is always the case some are more resilient to managing these crises than others and make the necessary adjustments.

As is always the case attitude plays such an enormous role in how we control the day-to-day functions and maintain our sanity.  It is always advisable to lean on others for help, especially those who have gone through the same crisis we are now facing, even when it’s hard for us to accept help from others.  God is always available to us to bring comfort and peace during such times of difficulty, but we need to learn to trust in Him.  To apply courage while in the storms of life is a great asset as well.

As is normally the case, my musings are not meant to provide all the answers to any situation, but to offer encouragement and provide food for thought.  Here’s to your success as you face the changes in your life, and may you learn to have the right attitude in every circumstance in which you find yourself.


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