Wednesday, September 12, 2012


The inner musing and thoughts of this Wayfarer are rather heavy today, reflecting on all the gloom and doom happening around the world.  More disconcerting is what we see going on within our nation as we observe our freedoms being stripped in the name of diversity, political correctness and equality.  We have become a Godless society over the past few decades and this Godlessness marches forward at an ever increasing pace.  There is a greater divide in this country between ideologies than ever before in the history of this once great nation.  The infighting grows stronger by the moment and we are experiencing a civil war of words and ideas, escalating at a rapid rate, with the indications of rioting in the near future.

We have liberals versus conservatives, Republicans versus Democrats and the moderates and independents tossed in the mix.  Mud-slinging among the politicians, propaganda from the differing ideologies dispensed to the populace and overall chaos being created from all directions.  So much unrest and dissention comes from all corners bringing much confusion to the general population.  Everybody espousing they are right in what they think and believe, yet no unification to be found anywhere that can bring us all together in harmony.  Is there no solution to such an enormous problem?  Is it possible to bring unity in the midst of such bedlam?

First of all we need to ask, “How or why did all this happen?  Where did the breakdown of our UNITED States happen?”  Without resorting to history lessons at this point the simple answer is the national tendency to neglect the ways of God, as had been established by our Founders.  We have turned from the common practice that we were a nation under God, with our attention given to acting upon the principles of the His Holy Word.  Through the course of time we have chosen to gradually turn away from His instructions on how to follow in the ways of truth and righteousness, rather choosing to go our way because we believed we know better.  This has proven to be our folly, and so now we reap what we have sown.  There is so much evidence to support what has just been stated but time and space constraints do not permit further elaboration on this matter at this time.

This missive is not addressing unbelievers of the Almighty Father but rather to those claiming to be His People.  We are not guiltless in the downfall described above and need to accept the simple reality that we have turned our backs on Him as well.  We have failed to stand for righteousness and instead chosen to accept the morass of society.  We failed because we have not called upon God to guide us; we have failed because we have chosen to disobey His instructions to us; we have failed because we seek our own pleasures above His ways, where there can be found joy beyond measure.  We cry out, “God help us in this time of crisis,” but why would He if we are unwilling to stand for Him?  He did warn us what would happen if we pursue life in the manner that we have.

Now we find ourselves in the center of this quagmire while in a state of bewilderment.  Is it no wonder that we do?  We can only look at Israel in the times of old as an example of what happens to a nation who turns their back on a loving and caring God.  Destruction came upon Israel when they disobeyed, why should it be any different today when our nation has been disobedient?  It’s the same God, for He changes not.  He has been very clear about the consequences of disobedience, but we have chosen to ignore it.  Are we any better than Israel that we should not deserve such treatment?  Have we not provoked God into allowing such devastation to occur within the walls of this nation?  Dare we cry out for deliverance when we have brought this upon ourselves?  Let’s take a quick look from God’s Word that sheds light on where we find ourselves today.

“’’Why has the LORD done thus unto this land, and unto this house?’  And it shall be answered, ‘Because they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, Which brought them forth…and laid hold on other gods, and worshipped them, and served them:  therefore hath He brought all this evil upon them.’”  (II Chronicles 7i:21, 22).  That seems rather clear as to why we as a nation are where we are today.

However, we are not without hope.  We can look at two more verses that bring the solution if we will only heed its message for us.  II Chronicles 7:13, 14:  “If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My People; If My People, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”  How much more simple can it be?

We, as God’s People, must repent first and foremost.  Nothing less, or other, can effect a change for this nation without true repentance occurring first.  In answer to the question of “what can I do?” it’s very clear – REPENT!  We first must repent individually and secondly, corporately.  Have you yet repented?  Here’s seeing us on our knees.


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