Saturday, July 21, 2012


Going back many years ago – don’t recall if it was in the ‘50s or maybe it was the ‘60s, maybe both – a TV ad ran that showed a lady with a nice hairdo and the question was asked, “Does she or doesn’t she…?”  Though the brand doesn’t come to mind at this time the ad was about hair coloring.  The implication being that the product was so good you couldn’t tell that it came from a bottle because it looked so natural. 

In our lives there is so much deception going on about us that it can be extremely difficult to determine where the truth lies.  “Does she or doesn’t she…?” becomes “Is it or isn’t it…?”  All too often this question, or its variables, is totally ignored when it should be asked with the inclination to know the truth.  However, so many of us do not care to know the truth and prefer to believe what we want because it satisfies our proclivities.  To turn our head in these situations is folly because it leads us down the path of deception taking us to a life of immorality, or to put it in a biblical term, destruction.   

Deception is making greater strides in society today than ever before.  We have heard the lies so often that it becomes our “truth” because we lack true diligence to learn and know the real Truth.  It comes in such subtle ways that it’s nearly impossible to detect unless we have become sensitive to what Truth is.  It’s interesting to note that in order to detect a counterfeit bill one must study and examine carefully real bills (currency).  When they know what true currency looks like it becomes easy to spot a counterfeit.  The same principle applies to the truth – as we examine Truth and learn its characteristics we will be able to readily spot deception and call it for what it is. 

(Most people can quote a phrase from the Bible found in John 8:32 that says, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”  Though this verse gets quoted frequently there’s no mention of how to know the truth because they choose to ignore the preceding verse which says, [Jesus speaking to his disciples] “…If you continue in My word, then you shall….know the truth….”  The meaning here is the Truth is found in His Word and we can only know it if we apply it to our lives.) 

Because of the subtleties of deception we often look at situations as though they are innocent when in reality the opposite is true.  As time marches on the subtleties become less and more daring deception is presented.  It’s like the subtlety of a lure on a hook that attracts a fish.  When the fish bites the hook is set and it’s unable to free itself.  So it is when we “buy” into the deception we become “hooked” and can’t believe that it’s all been a lie.  We choose to ignore the deception because we can’t believe we have been deceived. 

There are people who see the red flags of deception and proceed with caution.  When the red flags become more obvious they will sound the warning for those willing to heed it.  Some will listen to the warnings then begin close examination of all the facts leading up to moment of alarm.  They then will respond appropriately to the warning, while others will ignore the alarm and continue to live in their fantasy, refusing to believe the signs of the danger ahead. 

It is time that we become alert to the signs when truth is breached and to proceed with caution or take other divertive action.  We cannot allow others to deter us from taking the appropriate action and make a firm stand upon Truth.  May we not be deceived and that Truth prevails before and in us.  Shalom.

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