Thursday, July 19, 2012

"In God We Trust"

Inner Musings and Thoughts of a Wayfarer…

“In God we Trust”.  The motto we see on all our currency is it truth or fiction?  It’s so easy to make such a statement but does that make it so?  Though there are many individuals in our nation who hold claim to that motto we find as a whole the USA does not trust in God.  If they did we would have an entirely different outcome in our society than what is evidenced today.  Perhaps we need to examine what it means to trust in God and whether it applies to our own life.

To trust in God means we can “bet our life” on Him to keep His Word no matter the circumstances.  If we are obedient to His instructions we can know that He will take care of us.  That does not mean we will never have struggles in life, neither does it imply that we will always have what we want.  He has promised to watch over us and provide for our needs.

We must be prudent to do the things we know we must do, however.  We work to have food on the table, for shelter and clothing.  For those times when work is not available for us we can fully trust God to provide the means to earn a living, or to provide for our sustenance by other means, we just simply cannot sit back and expect everything to fall into our lap.

Proverbs 3:5 & 6 tells us to, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."  Notice it doesn't say we are to try and figure it out, or to even understand it.  We just have to acknowledge that God knows what He is doing regardless of our understanding.  The understanding often comes after we trust and accept His ways.

Neither are we to trust in man or governments as they always fail.  Too often we have done just that and then wonder why we are in such a mess.  We can ONLY trust God to come through for us.

This is where our peace comes from, as well.  The more we trust Him, the more He proves Himself and the greater peace we receive.  What do you need to trust Him for today?  Are you willing to put Him to the test and see that He is good?  Shalom.

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